Budgets and Adhering to Them

and Adhering to Them

Nothing is more important than adhering – at least broadly – to a budget. Your job is to be clear about how much money you wish to dedicate to the project, whether it be simply a new sofa or an entire room, or an entire floor. My job is to have a reasonable sense of...
Too Bland or Too Busy

Too Bland or Too Busy

Or Somewhere in-between. Sometimes a place just needs some accessorizing to perk up a neutral-tone area. Sometimes it needs minor surgery in the form of removing or rearranging pieces. Sometimes YOU know exactly what it needs. You just want the courage to pull the...


Working around collectible items you might find here or there is its own challenge. If you are truly extremely ECLECTIC in your tastes, there is usually no problem. But if you fall in love with a piece that makes no sense to you in terms of fitting it in with the...
Parachuting In

Parachuting In

Generally, when one tries to “parachute-in” a piece or two or work with just one room for the time being, the options are less when trying to preserve the immediate surroundings in their current form. Very often there are differing opinions in the home regarding what...